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Veet Winghash strips normal skin 16pz

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SKU: 8002910043582
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Veet Winghash strips normal skin 16pz

The depilatory strips for the veet face, they ensure an always impeccable appearance and make the skin pleasantly soft to the touch. They are ideal for use on delicate parts, such as superior lip, cheeks and chin. Their formula is perfect for each type of skin, enriched with kerysty butter, known for its moisturizers, and perfumed with berries. They are practices to use thanks to the special Easy Strip tongue, perfect for developing a technique from real experts and remove hair from the root in one move. The depilatory strips for the veet face even remove shorter hair and, with regular use, the regrowth becomes more shaved, thin and soft.
5 moves: before using Veet, carefully read the precautions for use on the package. 1 Take a depilatory strip and rub it in your hands for 5 minutes so that the two destination separate easily. 2 carefully separate the stripes using the Easy Strip tongue. 3 Place the Easy Strip tongue in the direction of hair growth and apply the first strip to the skin. Renge repeatedly in the direction of growth of hair to make sure that the wax adheres well. 4 Keep the skin tense. By grabbing the tongue, pulling the strip as quickly as possible in the opposite direction to that of hair growth. Pull with a quick and decisive movement, keeping the strip near the skin. 5 After hair removal, remove wax residues with a post-adaplation wipe. Precautions for use - Store the external packaging for further precautions for use. - Read and respect all the precautions and instructions for use before use. - designed for use on upper lip and small touches. - Not suitable for use on other areas of the face, head, ears, perianal area, genitals and nipples or on any other part of the body. - Do not use varicose veins, scars, injuries, irritation, scaling or on skin, in the past, they have highlighted an adverse reaction to waxes. Wait 72 hours between a hair removal and another. - In the event that drugs that could alter the skin or if you suffer from skin disorders are taking, consult your doctor before using the product. - The use of depilatory ceremony is not suitable for elderly, diabetic or oral retinoid people. - If the product is never used before, it is recommended to start by removing the hair hair. Only after having acquired experience to move on to the sensitive areas of the face. - Before use, make sure the skin is dry, not irritated and without creams, oils or deodorants. - Before any hair removal, check the skin reaction by applying wax on a small part of the area you want to treat, following the instructions for use. If after 24 hours there are no adverse reactions, proceed with the application. - If you feel burning/pincher sensations during use, immediately remove the wax with the back of a used strip, a post-adaplation wipe or children for children, then rinse abundantly with water. If the feeling persists, consult a doctor. - Do not apply the wax twice on the same area. - After use, the skin may be more sensitive for a short period, therefore avoid scratching. - After hair removal, it is recommended to wait 24 hours before applying perfumed products, use artificial tan appliances, expose yourself to the sun or swim. - If you finish post-adaplation wipes, you can use children's oil to remove wax residues. Do not use water, soap or alcohol to remove wax. - Keep out of reach of children. - In case of ingestion, consult a doctor immediately, ensuring that he has the packaging at hand. - Avoid contact with the eyes, rinse abundantly with water and consult a doctor immediately. - The wax products can be used in pregnancy, but they could cause mild entitual bruises.

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